What is Counselling?

Counselling is a wider form of consultation than purely advice. The aim of counselling is to establish a process through which the counsellor helps you to:

  • Express your true feelings
  • Understand your situation more objectively
  • Break negative patterns of behaviour often learned from others in your past as well as the present
  • Change negative behavioural attitudes, patterns and cycles
  • Make better informed decisions from the choices available to you
  • Build confidence, self-awareness and self-esteem.

The counsellor uses active listening, reflective questioning and other therapeutic interventions and tools to deliver an effective counselling service based on their training and experience with other clients.

The relationship between counsellor and client must be based on trust, empathy and respect. A counsellor is trained to listen not to judge or blame which brings a great sense of relief to clients who are seeking answers and resolution. Counselling helps to establish a better way of relating to yourself and others.

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